Owls of Dallas County

Kuehn Conservation Area, Dallas County

Sunday, January 27, 2013

If you are spending any time in the woods of Dallas County at night this time of year, you may be hearing some love songs. The hit list for the top 10 melodies of the January wilds includes the calls of our barred, great horned and screech owls. These nocturnal owl “songs” are often our only window into Dallas County’s owlness. Join us if you would like to meet our local owls face to face and learn more about these winged, nocturnal predators. Along with introducing you to the owls of your place we will also examine the unique adaptations that allow these winged wonders to hunt the night time prairies and woodlands of Dallas County? The program will feature live owls that have been injured and rehabilitated, but cannot be returned to the wilds. These wild birds now serve as teachers to help us understand owlness in our wilds. Armed with your new owl wisdom you can better understand our wilds and consider joining us for our annual owl prowl program. Registration is required for this program.

great horned owl

To Register

Registration is no longer available


Owls of Dallas County


Sunday, January 27, 2013
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Bear Creek Nature Center
Kuehn Conservation Area
32849 Houston Trail
Earlham, IA 50072
Dallas County Conservation Board 14581 K Avenue Perry, Iowa 50220 515-465-3577 Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm conservation@co.dallas.ia.us www.conservation.co.dallas.ia.us
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