Youth Archery Day

Wickiup Hill Learning Center, Linn County

Monday, October 26, 2015

This outdoor event will be an introduction to shooting recurvebows – a traditional bow style similar to the one used by heroine Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games. Experienced archers also welcome! Naturalist Sarah Wendt will help students determine eye dominance, practice proper form and execute shooting exercises. The class will end with some friendly competition! Class size is limited to ensure the best personal instruction and lots of time with the bows. This event targets ages 10-16. Please call 892-6485 at least 2 days prior to program to register. Weather dependent. Cost: $5

To Register

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Youth Archery Day


Monday, October 26, 2015
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Wickiup Hill Learning Center
10260 Morris Hills Rd
Toddville, IA 52341
Sarah at 319-892-6485
Map This Location

