Wildflower and Bird Hike

Oak Grove & Big Sioux Park, Sioux County

Saturday, May 12, 2012

We will be exploring the parks prairie in search of wildflowers in bloom and migrating birds.  Bring the family out for an afternoon of hiking and exploring.  Wear comfortable hiking shoes and dress for the weather, this hike will take place on the trails that are not necessarily stroller friendly.  This event will be from 1-3pm.  Come learn what is native to Iowa.  Meet at the picnic area across from the administration office.  This event coincides with Iowa Wildflower Week.

To Register

Registration is no longer available


Wildflower and Bird Hike


Saturday, May 12, 2012
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Oak Grove Big Sioux Park
4051 Cherry Ave
Hawarden, IA 51023
We will be meeting at the picnic area near administration office.
Map This Location

