Crumbacher Wildlife Area
Discover Crumbacher Wildlife Area in Independence
Visitors to Crumbacher Wildlife Area are never at a loss for something new to do. The large prairie and forested areas provide hours of enjoyment for hiking or bird watching during the summer months and plenty of quality upland bird, turkey, and deer hunting in the winter. Beautiful landscapes and breathtaking scenery can be found throughout the 368 acres this area fills no matter the season. In addition, the wetland areas at Crumbacher provide habitat to a large variety of amphibians and waterfowl that are rarely found in other areas around Buchanan County. Major trails remain from year to year, but each year additional firebreaks are mowed in varying places that also make great hiking or riding routes.
Crumbacher is the perfect place for field trips for school or other youth groups because of its vast array of environmental and natural history teaching opportunities.
- Hunting
- Hiking Trails
- Nature Appreciation
- Equestrian Trails