Squirrel Hollow Wildlife Area
Discover Squirrel Hollow Wildlife Area in Jefferson
The Squirrel Hollow Wildlife Area is a 147 acre wildlife management area that is open to public hunting. The North Raccoon River flows through the middle of the area with 1/2 being floodplain timber and the other 1/2 upland oak / hickory timber. There are five cropfields, usually in hay, that offer diversity to the area as a food source and nesting area. A parking area on the west side of the river offers walking access to the west side of a fishing riffle.
- 147 acre public hunting area. 1/2 upland oak / hickory and 1/2 floodplain timber.
- Public hunting hunting opportunity for deer, wild turkey, squirrel and furbearers.
- Walking access to west side of fishing riffle. Catfish, walleye and smallmouth bass most common species.