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Turn On Location ServicesOCT 04, 2017
New Rules and Regulations
As of October 1, 2017 we have amended our Rules and Regulations.
Amended and adopted by the Monona County Conservation Board
Monona County, Iowa, on the 15th day of August, 2017.
SECTION 1: Definitions: Pursuant to the authority of Chapter 350.5 of the CODE OF IOWA, the Monona County Conservation Board hereby promulgates and places into effect the following regulations. The following terms, as used in these regulations have, for the purpose of these regulations, the meanings assigned hereto unless a different meaning is clearly indicated.
A. "Board" means the Monona County, Iowa, Conservation Board.
B. "Director" means the Director of the Conservation Board.
C. "Area" means all or any part of the land and/or water owned, leased, managed or by other means under the control of the Board.
D. "Authorized representative" includes Park Officers and other persons designated by the Director.
E. "Special use permit" means any use permit issued by the Director or his authorized representative.
F. "Camp" or "camping" means the use of a shelter such as a tent, trailer or motor vehicle specifically designed for such use as a temporary residence at a camp area.
G. "Camp area" means any area designated by the Board for camping.
H. "Campsite" means a segment of camp area designated by the Board for camping by a camping unit or camping party.
I. "Camping unit" means either a single tent, pickup camper, motor home or converted bus, recreation trailer, or motor vehicle specifically designed, except for those shelters used exclusively for dining purposes, plus, at the option of said camping party, a second tent or other camping unit may be placed on the side so long as the persons occupying the second unit are under 18 years of age and dependent members of the immediate family occupying the larger unit.
J. "Camping party" means any individual group of not more than six persons or household occupying one campsite.
K. "Youth group" means a group consisting of minor members of an established organization and under the leadership of at least one adult for each eight minors in the group and using any number of camping units or occupying a group camp area.
L. "Capacity" means the maximum number of camping parties or camping units that the Board shall determine may occupy a camp area.
M. "Official signs" means signs provided for in the Iowa D.O.T. "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Iowa Streets and Highways" and other signs designated by the Board.
N. "Noise" means any loud, confused or senseless shouting or outcry; a sound lacking in agreeable musical quality or which is noticeably unpleasant.
Being confronted with the ever increasing demands for outdoor recreation, it is imperative that all persons respect these public lands provided for you, by you, so that each user may benefit from its presence. The Monona County Conservation Board has therefore adopted the following rules and regulations for the protection, regulation and control of all parks, preserves and other property under its control and hereafter coming under its control, to wit:
1. PROHIBITED DESTRUCTIVE ACTS: It shall be unlawful for any person to use, enjoy the privileges of, destroy, injure or deface plant life, trees, buildings, or other natural or material property, or to construct or operate for private or commercial purposes any structure, or to remove any plant life, trees, buildings, sand, gravel, ice, earth, stone, wood or other natural material, or to operate vehicles, within the boundaries of any county park, preserve, or stream or any other lands or waters under the jurisdiction of the County Conservation Board for any purpose whatsoever, except upon the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions as set forth by the Board. (461A.35)
2. SPEED LIMIT: The maximum speed limit of all vehicles on county park and preserve drives, roads and highways shall be twenty-five (25) miles per hour. All driving shall be confined to designated roadways. Whenever the Board shall determine that the speed limit hereinbefore set forth is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any place of congestion or upon any part of the park roads, drives or highways, said Board shall determine and declare a reasonable and safe speed limit thereat which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such places of congestion or other parts of the park roads, drives or highways. (321.236)
3. EXCESSIVE LOADS: Excessively loaded vehicles shall not operate over County Park or preserve drives, roads or highways. The determination as to whether the load is excessive will be made by the Conservation Board or its representative and will depend upon the load and the road conditions. (461A.37)
4. PARKING: All vehicles shall be parked in designated parking areas, and no vehicle shall be left unattended on any county park or preserve drive, road or highway, except in the case of an emergency. (461A.38)
5. HITCHING TO TREES: No animals, vehicles, or vessels shall be hitched or tied to any tree or shrub, or in such a manner as to result in injury to county property. (461A.39)
6. FIRES: No fires shall be built, except in fire rings or grills provided by the county conservation board and such fire shall be extinguished when site is vacated unless it is immediately used by some other party. (461A.40)
7. REMOVING PLANTS, FLOWERS, or FRUIT: No person shall, in any manner, remove, destroy, injure or deface any tree, shrub, plant, or flower, or the fruit thereof, or disturb or injure any structure or natural attraction, except that upon written permission of the Board or its representative certain specimens may be removed for scientific purposes. This section shall not apply to the taking of mushrooms, berries or nuts. (461A.41)
It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap or in any manner intentionally
Take, capture, kill, wound, or attempt to kill or wound any game bird,
Waterfowl, and birds; their nests, eggs or plumage, game or wild animals, furs
or skins therefrom and all other wildlife whether game or nongame, native or
Migratory located on or in any land or water under the control of the County
Conservation Board, except those areas or portions of areas designated by the
Conservation Board as hunting areas. The areas or portions of areas designated
at this time by the Conservation Board as hunting areas are:
Beaver Run, Davis Wetland, R.T. Reese Homestead, Gramm Wetland (shot gun hunting only), Savery Pond, Gray’s Landing and Whiting Woods. (350.5) (Amended 4/18/2007)
9. USE OF FIREARMS AND FIREWORKS PROHIBITED: The use by the public of firearms, fireworks, explosives, and weapons of all kinds is prohibited in all county parks and preserves, except firearms in those areas or portions of areas designated as hunting areas by the Board, during valid hunting seasons, as stipulated in Section 8 above. Fireworks maybe permitted in preapproved cases in designated areas following State of Iowa fireworks law, those approved will need to have written permission form before setting off. (461A.42)
10. LITTERING GROUNDS: No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any waste, refuse, litter, or foreign substance in any area or receptacle except those provided for that purpose. (461A.43)
11. ILLEGAL DUMPING IN GARBAGE CONTAINERS: It shall be unlawful to use conservation board refuse receptacles for dumping household, commercial, or industrial refuse brought in as such from private property. (350.5)
12. PROHIBITED AREAS: No person shall enter upon portions of any county park or preserve in disregard of official signs forbidding same, except by permission of the Board or its representative. (461A.44)
13. ANIMALS ON LEASH: No privately owned animals shall be allowed to run at large in any county park or preserve or upon lands or in waters owned by or under the jurisdiction of the Board except by permission of the Board or its representative. Every such animal shall be deemed as running at large unless the owner carries such animal or leads it by a leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length, or keeps it confined in or attached to a vehicle. (461A.45)
14. ANIMALS ON LEASH EXCEPTIONS: Animals used for hunting shall be allowed to run without a leash on areas open to hunting, provided owners maintain some control through visual, voice or other sound production method; and such activity is part of an actual legal hunt or training action. No privately owned animal shall be allowed without a leash on any area during the following times: March 15 - July 15. (350.10)
15. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and other such large domestic farm animals are not allowed in county parks and preserves. (350.5)
16. CLOSING TIME: Except by arrangement or permission granted by the Board or its representative, all persons shall vacate county parks and preserves before ten-thirty o'clock p.m. each evening. Areas may be closed at an earlier or later hour, of which notice shall be given by proper signs or instructions. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to authorize camping by registered campers or visitors registered with campground Host or Conservation Board Staff in designated camping areas. (461A.46)
A. FEES: The Board is hereby authorized to fix fees for camping and other special privileges which shall be in such amounts as may be determined by the Board upon a basis of the cost of providing and reasonable value of such privileges.
B. REGISTRATION: All campers must self-register within thirty (30) minutes of set-up on a campsite. A site is considered occupied only when the camping unit or a vehicle is on the campsite, the fee has been paid, registration completed and placed in depository. Campsites cannot be reserved except by the Board or its representative who have the authority to approve reserving them in special cases.
C. CHECKOUT TIME: Checkout time in all campgrounds is 4:00 p.m.
D. QUIET HOURS: All campers shall maintain quiet and avoid excessive noise, or other disturbances, in the campgrounds between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (461A.47)
E. CAMPING AREAS: No person shall camp in any portion of a county park or preserve except in portions prescribed or designated by the Board or its representative. (461A.48)
F. TIME LIMIT: No camping unit shall be permitted to camp for a period longer than that designated by the Board for the specific county park or preserve, and in no event longer than for a period of two weeks. (461A.49)
G. CAMPING REFUSED: Park officers are given authority to rescind any and all privileges, including camping, for cause. (461A.51)
H. CAMPING UNIT REQUIRED: No person or persons shall camp in any county park or preserve unless that person or group displays a camping unit such as a tent, trailer, camper, or recreational vehicle intended for camping use. The Board or its representative has the authority to approve camping in special cases whereby a camping unit is not required. (350.5)
I. NUMBER PER CAMPING UNIT: No camping party may consist of more than six persons per unit with the exception of families and special group camping or as authorized by the Board or its representative. (350.5)
J. HANDICAPPED SITES: Some parking stalls and camping sites are designated for handicapped accessible use. These sites are limited to persons with vehicles displaying the wheelchair symbol on their license plate or the rear view mirror tag. The vehicle must be in use by a handicapped person either as a driver or passenger. (350.5)
18. SWIMMING: Swimming shall be allowed only at designated swimming areas during daylight hours. Glass containers and pets are not permitted on any beach or in any swimming areas. It is unlawful for any person to boat or fish in a designated swimming area. Oar propelled inflatable rafts and all rafts over seven feet in length are prohibited from swimming areas. Swimming areas are not supervised and proper safety precautions should be taken by those using them. (350.5)
19. SCUBA DIVING: Scuba diving is allowed only with prior written permission in designated lakes only. Contact the conservation office at 712-433-2400 for details. (350.5)
20. BOATS REGISTERED: No person, resident or non-resident, shall operate any vessel (meaning every description of water craft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water) or any waters under jurisdiction of the Board unless such vessel is numbered by the state through a process of registration with the county recorder in the county in which the owner resides. Exempt from registration are the following in part from Ch. 462A.6. Code of Iowa: (1) No powered inflatable vessels seven feet or less in length. (2) No powered canoes and kayaks thirteen feet or less in length. (3) An air mattress, inner tube, or other toy or beach type item which is being used in a recognized swimming area. (462A.5)
21. NO WAKE RESTRICTIONS: A motorboat equipped with any power unit mounted or carried aboard the vessel may be operated at a no-wake speed on the following County managed lakes, Oldham Recreation Area, Peters’ Park, Johnston Area, Gray’s Landing, and Savery Pond. Personal water craft are prohibited from these areas. (350.5)
22. ATV’S, and SNOWMOBILES RESTRICTED: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any snowmobile, all terrain vehicle, dirt bike or motorcycle in Monona County parks and preserves except on established roads and designated trails, or such areas as the park officer in charge may allow. The Board may issue special permits to use motorized vehicles on trails and roads for handicap accessibility. Snowmobiles are only allowed to operate under the conditions of adequate snow cover. The determination, as to adequate snow cover, shall be made by the park officer in charge of the area. Snowmobiles shall be driven in such a manner so as not to endanger any life, property, animal or plant life, or to prohibit the safe operation of conventional vehicles on park roads. Snowmobiles shall be operated and equipped in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa. (321G.13)
23. EXCESSIVE NOISE: No person or persons shall use threatening, abusive, insulting, profane, or indecent language or exhibit excessive noise in the form of loud radios, stereos, cars, motorcycles, etc., that shall constitute a breach of peace or interfere with the use of enjoyment of county parks and preserves by others. (350.5)
24. KEG BEER: No person shall consume beer on any land or waters under the jurisdiction of the Monona County Conservation Board except beer, which is consumed from original cans or bottles. KEGS are prohibited from all county parks and preserve areas and from within vehicles entering such areas. (350.5)
25. CONSUMPTION IN PUBLIC PLACES: It is unlawful for any person to use or consume alcoholic liquors or beer upon the public streets or highways (county park roads are public highways) or alcoholic liquors in any public place, except premises covered by a liquor control license, and no person shall be intoxicated nor simulate intoxication in a public place. (350.5)
26. SOLICITING AND PEDDLING: Peddling, hawking, soliciting, begging or commercialism of any kind is prohibited without written permission of the County Conservation Board or its representative. (350.5)
27. CLOSING OF AREAS TO PUBLIC USE: The Director or his/her authorized representative is hereby granted discretionary authority to close any park or any portion of any park or other Board area when a question of public safety exists. He/she may do so by the erection of suitable barriers clearly indicating that the area has been closed for public use. Persons removing these barriers or ignoring the signs and occupying the areas that have been closed to the public use will be in violation of this section.
28. SEVERANCE: These rules and regulations are separate and complete, however separated. Should any section or part be declared unenforceable for any reason, the remaining portions or sections shall continue in full force and effect. (350.5)
29. PENALTIES: Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing sections shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. (461A.57)
30. STATUTES APPLICABLE: Pursuant to the authority under Chapter 350.10 of the Code of Iowa, the provisions of Sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 apply to all lands and waters under the control of a county conservation board, in the same manner as if the lands and waters were state parks, lands, or waters. As used in sections 461A.35 through 461A.57, "natural resource commission" includes a county conservation board, and "director" includes a county conservation board or its director, with respect to lands or waters under the control of a county conservation board. However, sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 may be modified or superseded by rules adopted as provided in section 350.5.
31. EFFECTIVE DATE: The above Rules and Regulations having been amended and adopted by the Monona County Conservation Board on the 15th day of August, 2017, in accordance with Chapter 350.5 of the Code of Iowa and published and posted as required by law, are hereby declared effective the 1st day of October, 2017.
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