Building Better Birders Workshop #3

Event Summary

Building Better Birders

April 13th, 7AM-3:00PM at Nature Center & Wildcat Bluff Recreation Area; $20/ per bird house

Benton County Conservation is hosting a Building Better Birders Workshop where bird watchers, “birders,” will learn the basics about birding and have a chance to put their knowledge into practice. This is the FINAL Building Better Birder workshop hosted by Benton County Conservation. To learn more about other workshops, visit: is required by April 5th, 2024 by visiting

If you would like to attend and NOT build a bluebird house, please call us at 319-472-4942 or email to register.

Come for the whole workshop, or just a portion! 

7:00 - 9:00 Welcome at Wildcat Bluff Boat Ramp and birding

9:00 - 10:45 travel / bird at Edna Shein Fen Wildlife Area

10:45 - 12:30  travel to Nature Center / Intro to Wetland bird species presentation

12:30 - 1:30 Lunch on your own

1:30 - 2:30 Build Bluebird boxes 

2:30 - 3:00 Questions and wrap up

Building Better Birders Workshop will be conducted by Kelly McKay (BioEco Research and Monitoring Center), with assistance from Mark Roberts (Clinton County Conservation), Brian Ritter & James Wiebler (Nahant Marsh Ed. Center). Funding for this workshop was provided by the Resource Enhancement and Protection – Conservation Education Program (REAP-CEP).


Adults - $20.00

Child - $20.00

