NRCS Soil Reduction Field Day

Event Summary

Wednesday, March 30th, 10:00 am, NRCS Soil Reduction Field Day- The Benton/TamaNutrient Reduction Demonstration Project will be hosting a field day on March 30, 2016 atthe Benton County Nature Center (5718 20th Ave Dr, Vinton). Rick Juchems, a farmer fromPlainfield and a member of Practical Farmers of Iowa, will give a presentation about the useof cover crops on his farm. There will be a diverse group of local farmers and landownerssitting on a panel to answer questions about terminating cover crops and how to manage covercrops in a corn/soybean rotation. There are also cover crop plots on-site to demonstrate howvarious cover crops work in this part of the state. Practical Farmers of Iowa is sponsoring a freelunch for those in attendance. The program will start at 10 am and is anticipated to wrap-uparound 12:30. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact ProjectCoordinator Shannon Mitchell at 319-472-2161, extension 3, or email at


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