Prairie States Mushroom Club

OCT 17 2015 10:00 AM

Rodgers Park , Benton County

Event Summary

Join the Prairie States Mushroom Club as we explore Rodgers Park for fall mushrooms. We will meet at the Nature Center, then car pool to the end of Rodgers Park Road to hunt for all kinds of fungi. Wear appropriate clothing as we will be going off trail. Bring a basket or bag to hold your fungal finds, and a small pocket knife to harvest mushrooms.After the foray, we will return to the Nature Center for a pot luck lunch. During lunch, we will label all of our finds with the scientific name and the common name. After lunch, we will have a short program highlighting edible fall mushrooms. If you bring a dish to share for the pot luck lunch, it does not need to contain mushrooms.After the program, we will have our annual meeting. The public is invited to attend, but only club members will be allowed to vote. If all goes as planned, there will be 2016 calendars for sale featuring edible mushrooms


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