Forest Bathing: Mindful Walks in Nature
OCT 11 2020 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Forest bathing is a slow-paced, therapeutic guided walk that promotes wellness through a series of gentle, sensory-opening invitations. Studies have shown that being in nature at least two hours offers a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for helping to stabilize mood and improve cognition. Participants do not walk a long distance; they will explore one general area. Stairs can be avoided if the guide is alerted to this limitation. The experience will be socially-distanced with a cap of 6 participants, and wearing masks is encouraged in consideration of the current Black Hawk County Covid19 status. Masks must be worn inside any Hartman buildings.
Connie Svoboda, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, will lead public forest bathing experiences for adults at Hartman Reserve each month through November. Registration deadline is three days prior to the event, after which time each participant will receive an email with instructions, suggestions for outerwear, etc. Please download the waiver (link is below), complete and sign it, and bring it with you to the walk.
Private walks of 2-6 participants are fun and may be scheduled by calling 319-277-2187. Connie is happy to accommodate organizations, families, circles of friends, business retreats, and more.
New Program Policies ·
All registrations must be done online and no walk-ins will be accepted. If you need assistance in registering for programs online, please call the nature center 319-277-2187 and we will help you. ·
Prior to the program, registration materials and Covid-19 waiver must be completed for each participant and turned into the nature center. ·
Program participants are asked to take their temperature prior to coming to the program. Program participants are asked to stay home if they have a fever of 100.4 or higher or have symptoms of COVID 19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID19 in the last 14 days. ·
Each program participant will be required to bring a mask from home with them to the program. All participants and staff are REQUIRED wear a mask at all times while in the building. ·
During all programs, participants will be asked to Social Distance and every effort will be made to keep participants 6 feet apart when they are outside where masks are not required. ·
Every effort will be made to limit sharing of tools and supplies. Program tools and spaces will be sanitized at the end of each program, once participants have left the facility.
If a program participant refuses to follow the above guidelines, they will not be allowed to stay at the program. If this occurs, no refunds will be given.
Refund Policy:
Refunds will only be given in the case of a documented medical emergency or funeral for programs more than $10. If program cost is under $10, a program voucher will be offered for a future program. If a program is cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen reasons, then a similar program will be offered in its place.
Adults - $25.00