Cancelled: Online Wild Learning Series (OWLS): Birds on Birds on Birds (K-5th)

Event Summary

Check out our brand new OWLS program - Online Wild Learning Series! November's series features all things birds. Kids will join us virtually for 3 different activities that guides them through the life cycle of trees and the science of why leaves change color. See below for a detailed description of each activity. There will be parts of the activity that the kids will do ahead of our virtual chat. This series includes a virtual video chat on November 5th, November 12th and November 19th at 10am. All of the activities and video chats will cover a variety of Next Generation Science Standards (please let us know if you'd like a copy of what standards will be covered). This series will be taught to a K-5th grade level. If you have a child that is older, please see the other OWLS program listing targeted for their age range. 

This is a fully virtual program. You are welcome to leave the video chat at any point, however, the program will start promptly at the specified date and time, led by Naturalists at Hartman Reserve. Digital program information will be emailed ahead of time to the email listed on your account. Please have all materials, indicated in the email, ready when the video chat begins.


Activity 1 – The Shape of Things: Let’s lay the foundation of birding basics! Join us on a video chat to learn the basics about birds – their shapes, their size, their color. These are the first steps to identifying the birds that are all around us. We will be showing a large variety of taxidermied specimens here at the Nature Center and discussing all of their unique features. This will lay the groundwork for the next two activities in this series.

Activity 2 – Asking Why: This second activity will have two parts! During the first part, kids will be able to dissect an owl pellet (parents will pick up a kit will all the items for the owl pellet dissection ahead of time from the Nature Center) with us on a video chat. They will discover the many tiny bones and fur that they cannot digest. In the next part of this activity, the kids will use household items to try their hand at catching prey like many different bird species (a recommended list of items will be sent in an email). Both of these parts will be done on the video chat with our Naturalists. Allow a longer span of time for this activity.

Activity 3 – Birds IRL: In the last activity, kids will make a homemade bird feeder while on video chat with us (a supply list will be sent out). Depending on the age of the child, a parent may be required to help with cutting for this activity. The kids will then get to see different types of bird feeders and, hopefully, some birds at our feeders here at Hartman through our video chat.

Refund Policy: Refunds will only be given in the case of a documented medical emergency or funeral for programs more than $10 and be prorated based on the number of programs virtually attended. If program cost is under $10, a program voucher will be offered for a future program. If a program is cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen reasons, then a similar program will be offered in its place.



Child - $15.00

