2nd Sunday Speaker Series - Laura Walter: “Prairie Seeds to Prairie Roots”
FEB 14 2021 2:00 PM
Event Summary
This is an online event. See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EesjP5BXhPw&t=7s
Laura Walter is the Plant Materials Program Manager at the Tallgrass Prairie Center at UNI. Laura's role in native seed production furthers the center’s mission of “empowering people to value and restore diverse, resilient tallgrass prairie.” Her work allows her to observe and photograph diverse prairie plants at all life stages, along with the numerous insects and other animals that use the center’s plantings as habitat. Join Laura as she shares her observations and photos, and explains how the center’s programs and projects help make Iowa-source prairie seed available for bringing prairies back to our roadsides, farms, parks, and gardens.