2nd Sunday May Forest Bathing Event

Event Summary

Connie Svoboda, Conservation staff and Certified Forest Therapy Guide, will lead another monthly Forest Bathing event at Hartman Reserve beginning at 9:00 on Sunday, May 9. Registration deadline is May 6 at noon, after which time an email will be sent to participants with instructions specific to the event.

What a wonderful Mother's Day gift for someone...or yourself!

Forest bathing is a slow-paced, therapeutic, guided walk that promotes wellness through a series of gentle, sensory-opening invitations. It’s a time for individual, quiet reflection. Studies have shown a wide array of health benefits to being in nature, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for helping to stabilize mood and improve cognition. A growing number of health professionals are prescribing a walk in the woods to complement or even substitute for traditional medicine.

Sign-up is limited to 8 participants, ages 16 and above. We will social distance and wear face masks inside the building, and wear masks when we gather for Circle on the trail. Please complete and email the waiver or bring it with you to the event.

Monthly forest bathing experiences occur every second Sunday of a month, with occasional special events announced. Private walks for organizations, families, and business retreats are welcomed; contact Connie at 319-277-2187 to schedule a walk.


Adults - $25.00



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