2nd Sunday Speaker Series--Mike Krebill: A Life of Foraging Wild Edibles
MAY 09 2021 2:00 PM
Event Summary
This presentation will be a live Zoom presentation. On this page, you can reserve a seat in the Hartman Community Room to view it -- limited, socially-distanced, reserved seating available for up to 25 people. Or you can view it at home--a link will be shared on Hartman’s Facebook page and on the HartmanReserve.org website at 1:45 PM. There is no charge to view the presentation.
Mike Krebill is considered by many to be one of the best foragers living today. Mike is also known as Iowa’s first County Conservation Naturalist, employed in 1967 by Black Hawk County. Mike wrote the award-winning book, “The Scout’s Guide to Wild Edibles,” which is considered the quintessential foraging guide. In the Scout’s Guide, readers learn how to locate, identify, and safely enjoy 40 wild edibles through color photos and positive-ID tips for each plant. Included are recipes and DIY activities for all skill levels.
Mike recently published his memoir, “A Forager’s Life: Reflections on Mother Nature and My 70+ years of Digging, Picking, Gathering, Fixing and Feasting on Wild Edible Foods.” In this volume, Mike shares how his interest in nature, Scouts, and foraging was born, nurtured, and polished. Today, Mike will share more of his background, ten of his favorite wild edibles, and some stories that he also shares in his book. He has graciously offered a free copy of his book to be given away to a randomly-selected viewer of his presentation.
Hartman Naturalist Katie Klus will lead two foraging programs following Mike’s presentation, one at 3:30 and another at 5:00. Register at www.BlackHawkCountyParks under the Events menu.