TABLE OF 8 DISCOUNT: Under the Harvest Moon Dinner and Auction Fundraiser
OCT 29 2021 5:30 PM
Event Summary
It’s back! The 26th annual Under the Harvest Moon fundraiser for Conservation is October 29 at Hartman Reserve! Happy hour and silent auction begin at 5:30, followed by a Moment In Thyme dinner and lively auctions. Reservations are required and limited in number so register soon!
Table of eight with $5/person discount equals $360. After registering your table of 8, please call Hartman Reserve at 319-277-2187 to share the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the others at your table. This information is required for auction participation and receipts. Thanks!
* This event will change to a curbside meal and online auction if the current COVID conditions decline. In that case, those who are registered will be contacted to schedule a curbside meal pick-up time on October 29.
Happy hour includes appetizers, SingleSpeed beer, sangria, and soft drinks. Silent auction items include a spring or fall tram ride on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail, Send a Kid to Camp, Behind the Scenes Tour of the UNI Art Gallery and Collection, your Thanksgiving turkey from Solstice Farms, gourmet wine basket, garden gazing ball, Sasquatch shirt and merchandise package, framed botanical drawing, and much more! Live auction items include a guided pontoon fishing trip on Clear Lake with pole and tackle from Scheels, dinner for 8 from Moment In Thyme, Behind the Scenes Tour at Omaha Zoo, an afternoon tour and light meal with hard cider at Blueridge Orchard, Maple Syrup Fest VIP table, and more!
It’s a good time, with good people, for a good cause: all proceeds benefit conservation projects and initiatives. As this is a fundraiser, there will be no refunds. A receipt for dinner and auction purchases will be mailed to attendees after the event.
* A waiver must be completed for each attendee at your table of 8 and returned to Hartman Reserve offices. The completed waiver can be emailed to, or sent to 657 Reserve Drive, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613, or brought to the event. Paper copies will be available at check-in.
Family - $360.00
Special Events