Laughter Yoga - No jokes needed!

Event Summary

This event is preparation for April Fool's Day on Friday. Some find this "holiday" can be fun, funny, and/or not fun at all! Body laughing requires no jokes, pranks or fools. Join Steffany for an experience you’ll remember! (Your cheeks and abs may be a little sore the next day). Learn how to body laugh and receive all the benefits from laughter like boosting your immune system, decreasing stress hormones, relieving pain, protecting your heart and lungs, and building connections. Class begins with laughter warm up exercises, quick bathroom breath and then practicing sustained laughter before a soothing savasana (relaxation time). No yoga poses are practiced and no experience is required. Bring a blanket or mat as well as a pillow for the laughter and relaxation portions. Heck! Bring a friend! This class will be live and in person in the Buckles Building.

Max: 10 participants. Cost: $14.


