2nd Sunday Speaker Series: Stormwater Management with Josh Balk

Event Summary

The next 2nd Sunday Speaker Series event at Hartman Reserve will feature Josh Balk, Watershed Coordinator with the Iowa DNR and Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Project, speaking on rainwater management practices. The presentation would be especially beneficial to those who will be part of the street widening and erosion repair project in the Hartman neighborhood. Josh will present on Sunday, July 10 from 2-3:00 PM in the Community Room at Hartman Reserve. There is no cost for this event and no registration is required.

Rooftops and yards are designed to shed rainwater runoff into the street, down the storm drain, and into streams, rather than absorbing or infiltrating it, impacting water quality. Josh will talk about simple management solutions for rainwater and how it can be retained as a valuable resource. Topics will include rain gardens, rain barrels, native prairie landscaping, permeable pavers, and soil quality restoration. By taking small steps to incorporate conservation into your property, you can help improve local water quality, mitigate the impacts of flooding, reduce soil erosion, help out our local pollinators, and add a bit of aesthetic landscaping to your home. Josh will connect you with local resources, explain potential financial incentives, and take your questions.

