Yoga in the Park: Mindful Monday Morning Yoga (6-week series) Spring Inner Wisdom
APR 10 2023 8:00 AM
Event Summary
You know that gut feeling you get when you're asked to do something that isn't a wholehearted YES!? It can be all too easy to ignore that feeling when presented with external facts or opinions of others but you still have that nagging feeling without being able to pinpoint what's "off." In this spring series we'll be working with the yogic concept of dhi, or inner knowing, both on and off the mat. Additional inspiration from this series comes from the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. Join us Mondays at 8 AM in person at Hartman Reserve Nature Center, virtually on Zoom, or practice with the recordings any time on
Class is limited to 20. Cost: $60
Register and pay here:
Julia is an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher and functional breathing instructor. She first fell in love with an ambitious asana practice in her late teens and found a love for the philosophy and metaphysics of yoga and meditation in early adulthood. Armed with a healthy dose of compassion, a smile, and teaching experience with bodies of every age and ability, she is able to meet you where you’re at and help you further your practice and understanding of yoga. Her favorite styles to teach are yin yoga and yoga nidra.