Event Summary

Have you seen the trend? Thrifted paintings are made spooky just in time for spooky season. So we figured we could get together with our friends to do it! Maybe even make a TikTok or two out of it. Draw your own ghosts with other fall spooky things like cats, pumpkins, spiders, along with many other things on a previously created portrait. Bring your own portrait, and Hartman will supply the rest. 

Cost: $5 for adults and $3 for children. This covers all paint costs. 

Program Policies: ·All registrations must be done online and no walk-ins will be accepted. If you need assistance in registering for programs online, please call the nature center 319-277-2187, and we will help you. 

Refund Policy: Refunds will only be given in the case of a documented medical emergency or funeral for programs more than $10. If program cost is under $10, a program voucher will be offered for a future program. If a program is cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen reasons, then a similar program will be offered in its place.


Adults - $5.00

Child - $3.00

