Hartman Osprey Project and Wildlife Adventures

Event Summary

Nesting osprey were rare in Iowa until the last 20-25 years when the Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources partnered with area County Conservation Boards and other organizations in an attempt to grow the osprey population. The program involved moving osprey chicks from Wisconsin locations to hacking towers in Iowa, one of which was located at Hartman Reserve Nature Center. The Hartman Reserve tower released four osprey per year from 1997-2005.  

The program was considered successful because osprey raised in Iowa have returned to the Cedar Valley after wintering in warmer climates and their population is growing. Former Black Hawk County Conservation Executive Director Vern Fish and Jeff Wilson of the Wisconsin DNR will detail the program at a special event on November 5 at 1:00 PM in the Community Room at Hartman Reserve. Program volunteers were instrumental in the care and feeding of the chicks and continue to be part of the program as they monitor nesting sites. If anyone was involved in the osprey program at Hartman, they are invited to join in the discussion.  

Jeff will also share engaging stories of his work with the Wisconsin DNR, from tales of tangos with bears, being called The Loon Ranger, rare wildlife observations, and more. He recently published a memoir, Wrong Tree: Adventures in Wildlife Biology. His wife, Terry Daulton, is an accomplished artist and was the illustrator for the book. Jeff and Terry will have copies of the book and prints of the illustrations available for purchase at the event.  

This event is free and registration is not required. Hartman Reserve Nature Center is located at 657 Reserve Dr. in Cedar Falls. Any questions about this event can be directed to Hartman staff at 319-277-2187.


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