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Cedar Valley Nature Trail Closures/Updates

OCT 23, 2024

Cedar Valley Nature Trail Closers/Updates


The Cedar Valley Nature Trail remains closed from King Road near McFarlane Park in La Porte City south to the McFarlane Bridge over the Cedar River for the duration of the M1 Bridge replacement. Crews are making progress on this replacement project and have completed the construction of the bridge abutments and will soon be prepping for the decking.

In addition, the trail remains closed from Miller Creek Road south to Ripple Road for the replacement of Miller Creek Bridge. Crews have made significant progress on this bridge replacement as well. The concrete deck has been poured and crews are continuing work for the approaches, railings and bank armoring around the abutments.

In addition, the trail remains closed from Weiden Road to McKellar Road for the replacement of the E3 Bridge. Crews have made significant progress on this bridge replacement as well.  

Effective October 21, 2024

We have been notified that the contractor will begin repaving work just south of Evansdale on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail on Monday, October 21.  The trail will be closed from the E2 bridge, adjacent to the Cedar River bridge south of Evansdale, to the 2nd Weiden Road crossing north of Gilbertville for the duration of this repaving work.  

NEW TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE: Effective October 23, 2024

We have been notified that the contractor will be mobilizing to begin the paving from Spruce Street in La Porte City to King Road today. The other trail closures previously noted for paving near Evansdale and the three bridge replacements remain in effect at this time.

Please avoid this area of the trail and obey ALL trail closure signage.  The closures are there for the safety of the public and the contractors.

Thank You for your patience and cooperation as we continue improving the Cedar Valley Nature Trail.


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