Izaak Walton League & Bremer CCB Fishing Contest

JUN 05 2010 9:00 AM

Plainfield Lake , Bremer County

Event Summary

Date: Saturday, June 5th
Rain Date: Sat. June 12th
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Where: Plainfield Lake
Ages: All Ages, Youth and Adult
Fee: Adults $5.00 / 15 Years and Under $2.00 Registration

Fishing Contest is sponsored by the Three Rivers Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America and the Bremer County Conservation Board. State Fishing Regulations apply to contest rules. This contest takes place during Free Fishing Weekend, NO license required on this day. Numerous drawing prizes (must be present to win.) Youth and Adult category winners for Bluegill, Catfish, Bass and Crappie.

Raffle Prizes

Grand Prize - 50 cal. CVA Black Powder Rifle
Second Prize - $150 Cash
Third Prize - Gas Grill
Fourth Prize - $50 Cash
Need Not Be Present To Win. Raffle Tickets Sold In Advance & At Registration


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