Reconnecting Children with Nature: Growing Up Wild

JAN 08 2011 8:30 AM

Fontana Park , Buchanan County

Event Summary

Reconnecting Children with Nature: Growing Up Wild Early Childhood Training
Taught by Angie Christensen from Epworth
Saturday, January 8, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Fontana Park Nature Center Preregister by calling 319-636-2617 or emailing
Registration Deadline: Deadline December 20, 2011.
Pre-Registration Required. A minimum of 15 people is needed for this program.
Fee: $30/person payable to the IA DNR

Growing Up Wild workshops leads you out the door and provides hands on activities and resource materials to lead your own nature explorations. Growing Up WILD activities use age appropriate concepts to build on children’s sense of wonder and invites them to explore nature and the world around them. Specially written for children 3-6, activities include sections to address many learning areas: math, science, language, literacy, health living, play, and creativity.   The Growing Up WILD activity guide was a culmination of work by natural resource agencies, early childhood professionals, and educators. Activities have been correlated to national standards for early childhood education – NAEYC Criteria for Curriculum, Head Start Child Outcomes Framework and the NAAEE Early Childhood Environmental Education Guidelines for Excellence. Additional correlations have been drafted to Iowa Early Childhood program and curriculum standards – Quality Preschool Program Standards, Iowa Early Learning Standards, and the Iowa Core Curriculum.

Materials Fee: $30 per participant; Materials Fee will be collected upon arrival at workshop; Materials include: Growing Up WILD activity guide, IA Dept. of Natural Resources handouts, Resource CD for Early Childhood (includes activity alignment to IA Early Learning Standards & Quality Preschool Program Standards)

Credit Option: 4 hours of group training - CDA content area #2: Steps to advance children's physical and intellectual development.


Adults - $30.00

