Conservation Landowners Workshop
APR 06 2023 5:00 PM
Event Summary
Learn about programs and practices for implementing conservation practices on land you own or manage. Representatives from the Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service will provide presentations on the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). A DNR Forester and Private Lands Biologist will give presentations on Forest Reserve, the Iowa Habitat and Access Program and how they interact with landowners participating in federal conservation programs. The event will wrap up with a presentation from Buchanan County Conservation Board on its custom prairie and tree planting services. A block of time will be left at the end of the presentations for participants to ask questions or inquire about specific private land conservation programs. Whether you own a small acreage or large farm operation this is a great opportunity to learn about options to create wildlife habitat, increase profitability and/or improve water quality and soil health!