Monarch Tagging

AUG 25 2012 1:00 PM

Fontana Park , Buchanan County

Event Summary

Spring migration numbers of monarch butterflies have been exceptionally strong this year. If we get the moisture for continued sustained growth of milkweed and the warmer than average temperatures continue, the outlook for a strong monarch migration this fall is better than it has been for years. Join the naturalists as we catch, tag and release the monarchs at the start of their fall migration to Mexico. Nets and tags will be provided. Pre-registration is required, call 319-636-2617 We will contact those registered with the tagging location to be determined by nectaring flowers by Aug. 21. There is a registration fee of $3 per person or $7 per family. If the weather cooperates, we can tag 100-200 butterflies in an hour.


Adults - $3.00

Child - $3.00

Family - $7.00

