Food Close to Home – Beginner Gardening - 2 PART PROGRAM

APR 09 2025 6:30 PM

Fontana Park , Buchanan County

Event Summary

Growing food locally is a win-win-win proposition. Win 1 - Fresh produce has the highest nutritional value at the lowest cost. Win 2 - Gardening gets you outdoors growing; maintaining and harvesting is great for mental and physical health.Win 3 - Reducing the distance food travels helps the environment.

Gardeners Sondra Cabell and Joe Olsen will share tips to get you started and assist you through the growing season from planning to harvesting.

April 9 – making a plan, getting seeds started, constructing a 5 gallon bucket growing system, marking your calendar, prepping garden beds

May 12 – final garden bed prep, setting out plants, sowing seed, mulching, planning for care and maintenance, expected harvest times 

