Master Conservationist - Woodlands

OCT 08 2013 12:00 PM

Fontana Park , Buchanan County

Event Summary

Buchanan County Conservation Board, in cooperation with Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach, will hold a series of Master Conservationist Classes Participants completing 32 hours of volunteering will be certified through Iowa State University as Master Conservationists.


Aug. 13 Ecological Principles

Sept. 10 Physical Environment

Oct. 8 Woodlands

Nov. 12 Energy Use & Waste Reduction

Dec. 10 Sustainable Agriculture & Land Use

Jan. 14 Wetlands & Waterways

Feb. 11 Prairies & Grasslands

Mar. 22 Field Day 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Participants will travel to one or more places to speak with experts and gain first-hand knowledge. All classes, except the March 22 Field Day, are Tuesday evenings from 6:00-9:00 p.m.  The first class will be held at Fontana Park, with pizza provided. The group will then do potluck each month, with locations to be determined by the group.

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. $50 per participant for entire series. Or you may attend individual classes at a cost of only $8 per person. Registration is made by calling Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach at 319-334-7161, or by email at


Adults - $50.00


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