OWLS - Signs of Spring Tour

APR 15 2019 10:00 AM

Ham Marsh , Buchanan County

Event Summary

OWLS is a program specifically designed for adults to learn and explore nature in and around Buchanan County.  The group will go to Ham Marsh, Three Elms, and end at Boies Bend.  Participants will search for signs of spring, likely including waterfowl, meadowlarks, bluebirds, robins, vultures, bloodroot, bluebells, frogs, and more!  Most walks will be short distances, however there will be a stop that is a little longer.  Trails may be uneven and wet.  A carpool will leave Fontana Park at 9:45 a.m.  Limited seating is availble in the Conservation Board van.Please note when registering if you would like a ride.  

