Event Summary

Each fall the monarch butterflies make their journey south to the forested mountains of Mexico. The Butler CCB participates in Monarch Watch, which is a program dedicated to protecting and learning more about the monarch butterfly. To track the migration of these butterflies, volunteers and citizen scientists around the country catch and tag monarchs with specially designed tags. These butterflies are recorded and released to continue their journey. If you would like to help us catch and tag monarchs while they migrate, join us at the trail head inside Heery Woods park on the north side. From there, we will walk to the prairie near the lagoon to catch and tag. Evening is a good time to catch as they are usually getting that final feeding in before roosting for the night. If the weather is unfavorable for tagging, we will reschedule for another time. There is no registration necessary. Borrow one of our butterfly nets or bring your own. Dress for being in the prairie chasing butterflies!


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