Event Summary

The Butler CCB invites you to a monarch tagging event at Heery Woods Park. We will be in the prairie on the North Side of the park. Park at the Heery Woods Bike Trail Loop parking area, and follow the signs north to the prairie. That's where you will find Annette with the nets and tags.

Each year monarchs travel thousands of miles from all over North America to winter in the mountains of Mexico. Many people participate in the Monarch Watch program that helps tag and monitor the travels of these insects each year. This is your chance to be a part of a fun citizen science project. We will have nets available for participants. Come and go as you are able from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. It is hard to know for sure how many monarchs will be around, but we hope we can fill all of our tags at this event.

No need to register, just show up. If you have questions, you can call Annette at 319-346-6551.

