Lighted Night Ski - New Date
FEB 20 2021 6:00 PM
Event Summary
The Butler County Conservation Board and Friends of Heery Woods Nature Center are sponsoring the 18th Annual Lighted Night Ski at Heery Woods State Park near Clarksville Saturday, February 20, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Meet at Heery Woods Nature Center to gather your skis, boots and poles, and then head out along the snow-covered, candle-lit trails.
Dress for the weather, and after skiing, you can enjoy the warmth of a fire. Face coverings should be worn when inside the buildings. A limited number of skis are available for use. You can reserve your ski/boot size and arrival time in advance by calling 319-278-1130, or they will be available on a first-come-first-served basis the evening of the event. You are also welcome to bring your own equipment and take to the trails. Bring the entire family and try something new.
The cost is one canned vegetable per person, and free will donations are accepted. In the absence of snow, periodic trail hikes will take place throughout the evening.
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