Almost Full Moon Night Paddle

AUG 26 2023 8:00 PM

Renning Landing , Butler County

Event Summary

Have you ever wanted to paddle on the river during a full moon? We have, and we are giving you the opportunity to join us. The Butler CCB invites you to our first ever lighted, full moon float. For this float, you are asked to light up your boat with decorations and lights of your choice. We will decorate the takeout access as well. We have canoes and kayaks available for rent for the event, and we will allow you show up early to decorate those boats as well. We think this will be a fun and interesting way to see the river - since most of us don't go out on the river in the dark. There is sure to be wildlife we rarely see and a relaxing evening to be had.

Float location will be dependent on water levels on the river. The plan is to paddle from Renning's Landing to Shell Rock Park. Mark your calendars and check back this summer for full details.


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