Solar Eclipse Bus Trip
AUG 21 2017 8:00 AM
Event Summary
We will be offering a naturalist guided bus trip to see the solar eclipse. Beatrice, NE is home to Homestead National Monument, and is an official NASA site. They will have OVER 2 minutes of totality. NASA will be doing some presentations, we will visit the nature center, and PBS will also have kids’ activities. Our SWITA bus will be leaving, @ 8am from Walmart Parking lot in Atlantic, pack a sack lunch, and camping chairs are allowed. The partial starts near 11:30am with totality at 1:02pm. Our bus capacity is limited to 15!
Registration Cutoff Date: Monday August 14, 2017
Cost: Single person $12 (exact change or check ONLY) Registration fee covers transportation, Eclipse glasses, guides, and snacks/refreshments on the bus.
Schedule found here.
Adults - $12.00
Child - $12.00