Sandhill Crane Bus Tour Information Night

FEB 13 2012 6:00 PM

Cass County Courthouse , Cass County

Event Summary

Relax on a Windstar Bus as you head to Kearney, Nebraska to view 500,000 Sandhill Cranes congregate on the Platte River, one of the most spectacular wildlife happenings that can be witnessed anywhere. Additional points of interest will be the ROWE Nature Center, Great Platte River Road Archway Monument, Funk Lagoon and Taylor Ranch for Prairie Chicken viewing.  Call now to join Cass, Audubon/Shelby, Harrison, Carroll, and Crawford County Conservation Boards for the two-day journey March 25th and March 26th.  Registrations for this trip will be accepted until February 17th. Cost of the trip is $175.00 includes: transportation, lodging, entrance fee for Archway and Nature Center and Crane blind fee at Rowe Sanctuary. Does not include meals.   Please call 712-769-2372 today to have a registration form and detailed information sent directly to you! OR you can attend one of our Information Nights: February 1st at 6 PM at the Atlantic Public Library Community Room OR February 13th 6 PM Rock Island Depot Community Room.


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