Sandhill Crane Trip Informational Night
FEB 15 2016 6:30 PM
Event Summary
The Cass, Crawford, and Shelby County Conservation Boards are offering a guided tour out to Kearney, Nebraska April 3-4th 2016. We will be taking a Windstar bus. We will make stops at the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument, Rowe Sanctuary (to view the cranes), Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center and lots of other opportunities for bird viewing. The cost for the trip is $185 includes: transportation, lodging, entrance fee for Archway, Nature Center, and Crane blind fee at Rowe Sanctuary. Does not include meals. If you have any questions about trip or would like more information please call Lora at (712) 769-2372 or email . Informational programs will be held: February 15th 6:30PM at the Anita Public Library, and March 5th 12:30PM at the Atlantic Public Library.
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