Oak Strollers Nature Club- Campout

JUN 22 2013 3:00 PM

Cold Springs Park , Cass County

Event Summary

East loop of the Cold Springs Campground. $20/family.All ages welcome, and food/camping fee provided. Learn about camping and Nature safely! You are not required to camp overnight, but participate in activities (including fishing) provided by our Naturalist. The nature club led by Naturalist, Lora Kanning gives parents the comfort of exploring nature in Cass County. We’d like to foster an environment where families can bond together as they play, talk and learn in nature. Bring your child and plan to stay and have a great time-making a memory. Will be CANCELLED if there is INCLEMENT WEATHER!

Please email Lora if you are planning to attend.

More information about the Great American Campout can be found at http://online.nwf.org/site/TR/GABC/gabc2010_internal?team_id=10773&pg=team&fr_id=1160


Family - $20.00

