Wildflower Geocaching Walk
APR 26 2014 10:00 AM
Event Summary
The Cass County Conservation Board is holding a Wildflower Geocaching Walk! The program will be held at the Pellett Memorial Woods outside of Atlantic IA on April 26th 2014 at 10 am- Noon (come and go). FREE! Join our Naturalist for a geocaching event to locate the early spring Wildflowers. Find a cache find a wildflower! GPS units and guides will be available for checkout, please pre-register to guarantee a GPS unit for the event. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to view one of Southwest Iowa’s best locations to observe spring woodland wildflowers. Pellett Memorial Gardens is located just outside of Atlantic, ½ mile north and ¾ mile east of the KJAN radio station. We hope you will join us! The event will be cancelled if there is inclement weather.