Hitchcock Recreation Area

Welcome sign
Welcome sign
West house wall

The Hitchcock Recreation Area contains the National Historic Landmark: Hitchcock House with hiking trails and hunting areas. A total of 66 acres has something for EVERYONE!


Hitchcock Recreation Area is overlooking the East Nishnabotna River.
Located just west of Atlantic and Lewis. 
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The Hitchcock House was built in 1856 by Rev. George B. Hitchcock, a Congregational minister. The Hitchcock House played a major role in moving freedom seekers to Canada prior to the Civil War. The house has been accepted as a site on the National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to  Freedom, and is a National Historic Landmark. The house is one of the few remaining Underground Railroad "stations" in Iowa. Gift shop also available.
 You may also visit the Hitchcock House website for more information.
More park features include:
  • Vast Public hunting area.
  • 1.75 mile nature trail to beautiful Nishnabotna River.
  • Picnic Area (pack in- pack out please)
  • Seasonal Restroom
  • Nature Study

Operating Hours & Seasons

Hitchcock House is open May 1st -September 15, Thursday- Sunday 1-5 PM with the last tour starting at 4:15 PM.
Fee is charged for a tour for High School and older.
Hitchcock Recreation Area is open from 6 AM- 10 PM (or dusk)
The hunting area is subject to hunting seasons and times.


The Hitchcock House is closed from Sept 15th to April 30th.

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