For Seniors Only - Wildlife of Iowa

Event Summary

Guest speaker Adam Janke, Extension Wildlife Specialist with Iowa State University, will present a program on Iowa's wildlife. For all the challenges facing Iowa’s wildlife populations and their habitats, reflection on the history of our state’s wildlife reveals many conservation success stories. These stories, told in concert with the unfolding of land use and economic development in Iowa’s rural landscapes, provide a lens into our history, a promising exampling of how hard work can pay off, and a model of collaboration, leadership, and hard work that can be modeled to address today’s conservation issues. This presentation will explore the history of 10 of Iowa’s most-familiar species from the time of European Settlement through present day, recounting trends in their population sizes and habitats, and the people involved in their recovery or extirpation in Iowa. The program will be followed by a catered lunch and social time. Cost is $5.00 for nature center members and $7.00 for nonmembers. Please call 423-5309 by March 29 to register.

