For Seniors Only - Raptors of the Midwest

Event Summary

Join us for an educational program on raptors with Ty Smedes. While most Iowans may recognize our more common raptors, like the red-tailed and Cooper’s hawks, along with the great-horned and barred owls, there are many other raptors that only occasionally nest in our state, along with many other species that pass through during migration. Learn about the hawks, falcons, eagles, owls, and vultures that live in Iowa or migrate through on their way to nesting or wintering areas. Learn tips for identifying these birds of prey, through many colorful photos. A catered lunch and social time will follow. Cost is $5.00 for nature center members and $7.00 for non-members. Please call 423-5309 by 4 p.m. September 17 to register.

