Emerald Ash Borer: It is in Iowa. Now what?

Event Summary

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources along with Iowa State Extension Outreach, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Cerro Gordo County Conservation Board will host an informal meeting concerning the presence of emerald ash borer (EAB), an exotic, destructive insect of ash trees, which is spreading in Iowa. You will learn: How to identify EAB; How to identify an ash tree; Signs of EAB infestation; Is the tree safe? Is it a candidate for treatment?; EAB treatment options; How spread of EAB is being restricted; Ash Tree replacement options (Public meeting). For homeowners and other concerned citizens. Meetings are FREE and no registration is required. If you have questions, call ISU Extension and Outreach Cerro Gordo County at 641-423-0844 or email xcerrogordo@iastate.edu.

