Event Summary

Help us usher in spring at Lime Creek with second “Art of Nature” fundraising auction.  This event promises to be great fun and an opportunity to acquire some high quality wildlife art, while providing financial support for the Lime Creek Nature Center’s mission.  Artists represented include Maynard Reece, David Maas, James Killen, Mark Reece, John Eberhardt, and Mason City native Charles Fritz.   A limited number of tickets will be sold, with LCNC members having the first opportunity to purchase them.  A list of auction items will be available on our website at: www.co.cerro-gordo.ia.us (click on outdoors).  Ticket prices are $15.00 individual & $25.00 for a couple, which includes hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic drinks.  Tickets will be available at the Lime Creek Nature Center – or call 423-5309 to make a request.


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