For Seniors Only-A Short History of Nearly Everything (Geologically Speaking) Mason City
NOV 19 2014 10:00 AM
Lime Creek Nature Center & Conservation Area , Cerro Gordo County
Event Summary
State Geologist Ryan Clark will provide an overview of the geologic history of the Mason City area. His presentation will include the Precambrian basement framework, the complex Paleozoic sedimentary rock sequence, the last stages of glaciation in North Iowa, recent quarrying operations in the area, and the geologic mapping the IGS has done recently. Following his presentation, Ryan will do a rock ID session so be sure to bring in any rocks you would like identified! The program will be followed by a catered lunch and social time. Cost is $5.00 for nature center members and $7.00 for nonmembers. Please call 423-5309 to register by November 17, 2014.