For Seniors Only - Iowa's Wild Beauty

Event Summary

Wildlife photographer Ty Smedes will give a presentation highlighting his new book “Iowa’s Wild Beauty.”  If you would like to experience Iowa’s scenic natural areas, as well as its wildflowers and animals presented in a breath-taking way, join us for this presentation! Enjoy Iowa’s spectacular wildlife, including colorful butterflies and wildlife babies; bison and prairie rattlesnakes; waterfowl and bald eagles. See warblers on their spring migration, and journey through the fall and winter seasons to enjoy spectacular fall colors and the beauty and harshness of the winter season. Many images have been chosen which tell a brief story — each accompanied by captions — rich with informative descriptions of each subject, event, and place. The program will be followed by a catered lunch and social time.  Cost is $5.00 for nature center members and $7.00 for nonmembers.  Please call 423-5309 by March 21 to register.

