Monarch Butterfly Expert Dr. Karen Oberhauser
MAY 11 2016 7:00 PM
Lime Creek Nature Center & Conservation Area , Cerro Gordo County
Event Summary
The Lime Creek Nature Center and North Iowa Nature Club present Dr. Karen Oberhauser, who will present: Dwindling numbers for an iconic insect: A conservation biologist ponders moving beyond the documentation of declines. Dr. Oberhauser plays a leading role in monarch conservation and education. She is a professor at the University of Minnesota, chair of the Monarch Joint Venture, founder of Monarch Lab and Monarchs in the Classroom, and a winner of the White House Champions of Change Award. She’ll describe the amazing biology of migratory monarch populations, and the work of citizens and scientists in documenting monarch numbers at all stages of their migratory cycle. She will also discuss threats to monarchs, and potential responses to these threats. There is no cost but registration is required – call 423-5309.