The Geology of Motor Mill

Event Summary

The Geology of Motor Mill
Saturday, June 1st at 1:00 PM
Motor Mill Historic Site

Dr. Katherine McCarville, Associate Professor of Geosciences, will speak at Motor Mill on Saturday, June 1st at 1:00 PM. Join this local geologist for an engaging presentation on the geology of the beautiful Turkey River Valley.

McCarville has roots in the Midwest but grew up in California.  She studied undergraduate geology at UCLA, got a master’s degree in geology at Colorado School of Mines, working on uranium deposits in Wyoming, and continued her doctoral work at the South Dakota School of Mines in avian paleontology of Fossil Lake, Oregon. 

Currently Dr. Katherine McCarville coordinates Upper Iowa University’s environmental science degree program, which is strongly field-based.  She teaches a wide variety of courses in geosciences and geography, including soil genesis, geomorphology, and hydrogeology, most of which have an outdoor component.  Her interests span earth and environmental sciences and often cross disciplinary boundaries.  Her current research centers on the role of disturbance in prairie ecosystems, and the origins of the Iowan Erosion Surface.

Come attend this fascinating program at Motor Mill and watch for future programs offered throughout the summer. Motor Mill Historic Site will be open for tours each Saturday and Sunday from Noon-5:00 p.m. beginning Memorial Day Weekend.  Please call 563-245-1516 for more information or visit  

