O.W.L.S (Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls) Blueberry Hill

JUL 19 2018 10:30 AM

Osborne Park , Clayton County

Event Summary

Blueberry Hill is nestled near Littleport, IA where Keith and Sandy Ashline have built up a beautiful blueberry farm. The Ashlines began their dream of a pick-your-own blueberry farm in 2012 and have been expanding and learning as they go. Starting with about 400 bushes they now have over 700 bushes in a wide selection of varieties. One of the few farms of its kind, Keith will tell us how he got this dream off the ground and, if the season is timed right, we hope the berries will be in full production for picking.

Make reservations by calling 563-245-1516 or visit the Osborne nature Center. Please meet at Osborne Park at 10:30 to shuttle to the farm. Buckets are provided by you may bring a lawn chair if you like for lunch.

