O.W.L.S (Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls) -- Natural History Museum

MAR 21 2019 8:45 AM

Osborne Park , Clayton County

Event Summary

Osborne’s Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls will start a new season of great programming on March 21st. O.W.L.S. will kick off this season with a trip to visit the Natural History Museum in Iowa City.  

The theme of this year’s OWLS program will be “Conservation Heroes.” For the first installment we will learn about conservation great, Thomas Macbride, and visit the Natural History Museum in Iowa City. Iowa has a long history of important and famous conservationists like Macbride, Leopold, and Ding Darling. A few of the people we will spotlight. Make your reservation today by calling 563.245.1516 or visit the Osborne Nature Center.  Shuttle will leave Osborne at 8:45am on March 21st.  

The Osborne Center is located on Highway 13, ten miles north of Strawberry Point or five miles south of Elkader. The center is open from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday-Saturday. Please call 563.245.1516 for more information or visit www.claytoncountyconservation.org.   

