A Mississippi River Adventure on the Maiden Voyage

AUG 19 2021 10:15 AM

Osborne Park , Clayton County

Event Summary


Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls

Thursday, August 19th

“A Mississippi River Adventure on the Maiden Voyage”

Shuttle leaves Osborne Park at 10:15 a.m.

Reservations Required


Osborne’s next Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls program will be on Thursday, August 19th.  This month’s program is “A Mississippi River Adventure on the Maiden Voyage”


Join the O.W.L.S. as we charter the Maiden Voyage for a fun afternoon on the Mississippi.  Participants will learn about commercial fishing, clamming, early explorers and wildlife up close and personal.  Reservations are required at 245-1516, so call early to ensure a spot.



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