Iowa’s Evolving Landscape: Missing Our Pleistocene Megafauna Presentation
JAN 27 2022 5:00 PM
Event Summary
Presentation by UIU Professor Katherine McCarville Thursday, January 27th 5:00 PM at the Osborne Nature Center
Free event, no registration is required!
The tallgrass prairies and savannahs that once covered much of the interior of North America have been largely displaced by agricultural activities during the past 200 years. Restoration efforts are usually aimed at re-creating the ecosystems of just a few hundred years ago, as it was reported by European explorers, miners, fur trappers, and settlers. But to really understand these ecosystems and successfully restore them, we need to think farther back into deep time, and consider the importance of the Pleistocene megafauna as ecosystem architects, agents of disturbance, and seed dispersers. Dr. McCarville studied geology at UCLA before pursuing her masters at the Colorado School of Mines and her doctorate at the South Dakota School of Mines. Her current research interests include the origins of the Iowan Erosion Surface, soil biology and soil health, and the role of disturbance in prairie ecosystems. This program is free and welcome to all ages. The Osborne Center is located in Highway 13, ten miles north of Strawberry Point or five miles south of Elkader. The center winter hours are from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday-Friday.
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